They say that football, is a game of inches. And an inch or two goes our way in this game, and the outcome of this game would of clearly been in our favor. But having said that. No one gave the Warriors a snowball's chance in hell of beating an undefeated Bishop Guertin Team. And I mean no one. I am ashamed to say, that I had my own secret doubts. But I kept them to myself. Not to say that I didn't think it could happen. I just had some doubts. I know what BG is.

But something happened at practice during the week, and during the Rallies, with all the signs and support. And then during the pre-game warm-ups, I felt that surge, that had become synonymous with this team, and it turned me around. Completely.

I became a believer. There was something in their air of confidence and the way they held themselves. This team had come so far and they believed in themselves. Before the opening kick-off, I was fully back in their camp. I believed again. And I felt guilty for doubting these Warriors earlier in the week.

Anyone who saw the first half of this game knows what I am talking about. We held them scoreless for 25 minutes. They were reeling. You could see it. You could feel it. The Warriors were doing what no other team has done all year against this powerhouse. They were Shutting them down. Stripping the ball in Warrior fashion. Taking away their mighty Momentum.

Suddenly I was thinking "This is really happening. They can beat this team!"

But like I said at the top of this column. This game is a matter of inches. I will not harp on the "what if's" and the "what could of been's". I will only say, that my love and respect for this team and these coaches grew stronger as the game went on. By the start of the 4th qtr it was a foregone conclusion. The Cardinals would win the game on the scoreboard. But The Warriors would win in the hearts and souls of those who watched this game.

And there was no more telling of that sentiment, than when the Warriors marched off the field for the last time as a team. When all the remaining BG fans stood up, and clapped and cheered, as the Mighty Winnacunnet Warriors walked off the battlefield, and into the darkness of that tunnel.

They applauded, because they knew what they had seen. These Mighty Warriors with a heart of a Lion had earned the respect of them all.

2009 ...What a great year.

On a personal note I want to thank everyone who helped out this year. All the volunteers, the Boosters, the Moms and the dads. Channel 22. The incredible Coaching staff and to each and every Warrior on the team. From the Freshmen to the Seniors, thank you for an enjoyable season. We won't forget the absolute joy of watching these exciting and memorable High School Football games. God Bless each and every one of you.

With Loyalty and respect.

Ralph G. Fatello

Photos by Ralph G. Fatello

3 more pages.

*I wish these photos were in sequence but PhotoShop has randomly placed them.
If you were to click on the thumbnails and follow each number they will be in sequence.
Too bad, because the sequence really tells the story of the day.

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WHS Warriors vs Bishop Guertin States November 21-2009 -- -- 11/21/2009